PediaStaff has released their very first app into the world this week. And... (insert drumroll)... it's free! It has several nice features rolled up into a nice, neat, and simple package:
This is the initial screen for the app. The icon for the app has the same "tx" but is a green background. I found it in the app store by searching for "PediaStaff" but I'm sure a "txtools" or similar search will reveal the same results!
The first available option is "Tally This" which is a simple tally marker system. I'm a huge fan of anything that keeps me from having to make those annoying "tic" marks on paper. My kiddos become over-interested in their marks and percentages when they should be concentrating on the task. So, this tally system is nice when you just want to keep track of how many times something has happened, how many are left, etc.
Percent Right is a great feature for SLPs. We are notorious for knowing what 17/23 is off the top of our heads (did you just pull out a calculator to figure that one out?) and live by percentages! We have to and Percent Right helps out. Now, I may be missing something, but I'm not seeing the possibility to switch between kiddos during a session. I've briefly reviewed SuperDuper's Data Tracker app and you are able to store student data and switch between several students to track their percentage correct on particular goals. However, that app is not free so no complaints there. This feature is great for one on one situations - particularly artic.
This handy little Age Finder is as it says. It takes the guesswork out of how many years, months, and days a student is - especially helpful during evaluations. Nothing fancy here but it negates the need for multiple age calculator apps as it is included within this app.
Finally, the IEP Scheduler app. I admit, I'm not really sure if I would use this app as our IEP system keeps track of when we need to hold the next meeting. It might be helpful for figuring out when I need to send notices home, schedule with parents, etc. During evals it could be useful for calculating our meeting dates with parents.
Overall I am impressed by this first app by PediaStaff . It's a no-frills freebie with 4 great features. I can definitely see myself pulling this out in therapy. I am pretty attached to my Data Tracker app at this point and if this app had that component... done deal! I'm excited to see what may be coming our way from PediaStaff and their list of crafty contributors.
What did you think of the app?
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